Roofing Guarantees

Insurance-backed guarantees

Your new or replacement roof will be fully guaranteed with the manufacturer if you choose to use one of the roofing systems for which we are an approved contractor. 
As approved roofing contractors we must meet the installation specifications that are set by the manufacturers of the roofing materials we use. This qualifies your roof for an insurance-backed roofing guarantee (IBG). 
The advantage of a roofing guarantee with the manufacturer is that, it covers you even if the company that installed your roof is no longer trading. So, even if we no longer exist 15 years from now, your roof will still be covered. 

What period do the roofing guarantees cover?

The length of your roofing guarantee depends on the system and materials you choose. Most are either 10, 15 or 20 years.

Approved roofing contractors 

We are approved roofing contractors for a number of leading flat roof, green roof, tile and slate roofing systems including those from:

Get A Free Quote 

Find out how much your new roof or roof repairs will cost in as little as 48 hours. We can provide you with references so that you can check our work on a project similar to yours. 

Call 01903 20 00 70    OR    Request a quote now

Think we’re too big to give you a competitive quote on your small roofing project?

We’re not. We can compete with your local roofer on cost when it comes to a home extension or garage roof replacement. And because we’re approved roofing contractors for a number of roofing systems, you also get guarantee on your new roof.